Chapter Nine - Where to find Heroes
Fred arrived at his hobbit hole. His house sitter was just leaving carrying her bags under her arms and looking incredibly stressed out.
"I do not look after animals, especially that monstrous cat," the house sitter huffed as she walked past Fred.
Mr Inky sat in the doorway, covered in dust and surrounded by broken plant pots. Fred would swear the cat had a smug grin on his face.
Fredgar strolled up the garden path and into his home, that now resembled the ruins of an ancient battle site.
"Mr Inky, what have you done?” Fred said with great dismay.
"Meow!" was the reply.
Fred looked around his home, then began the long and tedious task of tidying up. An hour or so later, Fredgar had finally finished. Inky the cat pounced up onto the kitchen counter with a book in his mouth.
"What have you got there?" asked Fred pulling the book from the cat's mouth.
Fred started to look through the pages. He found the book held the battle sites and locations where the champions, had last been seen.
"Brilliant!" Fred exclaimed with great excitement, "Well done Mr Inky."
The halfling picked up the cat and danced around the room. With all the excitement Frostfire woke up.
"Hey! What's going on?" Frostfire asked.
"We've just found where the other two champions might be," answered Fred.
"Well, where are we going?" Frostfire asked.
"We're going to the swamps of Thorngarum and then on to Korkhaldur," Fred said gathering up his adventuring items and a backpack.